My Beautiful Swan And I

My swan and I floated on the pond with my sister in laws and their floaties this afternoon.

Two hours of laughing, talking and relaxing.

My swan is so comfy. It’s like laying on top of a pillow top mattress. She’s so big that I can lay on my back and nothing hangs over the edge.

She’s simply amazing.

I’m really enjoying being nice to myself every day.

Hope you had a great 4th.

God Bless America!

4 thoughts on “My Beautiful Swan And I”

  1. Its good that you had a relaxing day and , you are enjoying being nice to yourself. I have got energy to my right hand slightly as I am writing here 🙂 So you must be well on your way to be Healthy and Happy. Have Faith and Believe. Sending Many Blessings of Love, Light and Healing Energies Your way ❤
    P.S. It's not I who knows or decides to get energy ~ I am given from above as its the, "Higher Powers that are aware of those who, "Really Deserve"<3

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