My Blog Stuff Is Organized!

Last week I posted about how I was cleaning out the bin with all of my blog stuff in.

Well I finished it today!

Here’s how I have organized it:

I have four files. A Done file that holds all if the notes from published blogs. A Idea file that holds all my ideas for future posts. A WordPress file that holds articles on WordPress. And a Positive file that holds postive stories, sayings and words.

These three folders are for posts ideas I’m interested in working on. The to do file are posts I need to finsish. The brainstorm file is for posts I only wrote down a paragraph or a word and want to expand upon. The maybe file. Well…that’s self explanatory.

I found three folders in the bin and I was going to throw them in the church garage sale bin until I realized I could use them for My Word of the Week. I am using one for April, May and June. Each folder has four slots. Each week can have it’s own slot. Except for in May.

I found these books in the bin. Maybe I can figure out why I sometimes people cant comment.

The thing I’m most excited about is for My Word of the Week posts I made a list of months and what weeks are in that month and the date the week starts. I even have the word of the week written down each week for past posts.

These are pages of page a day calendars. There’s probably over 350. I was saving them because I wanted to put positive quotes at the start of every blog. I changed my mind and for some reason kept them. I’m not even going to look at it. It’s going in the church garage sale stuff. Hopefully they can use it for something.

I’m so darn proud of myself for getting this done today!

4 thoughts on “My Blog Stuff Is Organized!”

  1. It IS hard to get thoughts and topics straight! Have I talked about this before? Have I shared this picture? I am always trying to keep things straight on my computer, too. It makes me feel that I have at least ONE piece of my life in order!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I dont remember you talking about it. I’m excited to finally have it in order because I’m always wondering where I put my notes or my blog post because I hand write it first.


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