86 More Days

There are 86 more days til we are on the other side of winter. Usually I count from December 1st til February 28 but since it’s already December 4th I’m a couple days behind. I count this way because I hope by the end of February the winter weather is heading out and spring is on the way.

I’m not a big fan of winter so I like to count down the days. I count the days when the day is bleak and I need help remembering that the snow and cold won’t last forever. I count because it’s fun and fun makes the cold winter days a little easier. I count because I’m one day closer to opening up my trailer.

Winter can be a long 90 days. The older I get the more I dislike it. The cold. The snow. The ice. Possibly falling. Its not fun anymore.

We are thinking about being snow birds when we retire. Something to look forward to

86 more days to go. I think I can make it……

5 thoughts on “86 More Days”

  1. I must be weird because I quite like Winter as much as all the other seasons. I like wrapping up in lovely warm clothes and snuggling up in front of an open fire and I absolutely love walking in the rain. Yup I think I’m weird! Oh and then there’s snowboarding time Yippeee! 🙂


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